SISTAs CanSurvive Coalition, Inc.

Who Are We

Featured Programs


Trains lay advisors and cancer survivors to provide face to face assistance to women and men at various stages of breast, cervical or prostate cancer diagnosis and recovery. Service include pre and post treatment visits, wellness baskets supplied to newly diagnosed patients and peer support.

Celebrate Life

Provides access to low and no cost screening to those who otherwise could not afford them and navigator services that wase the experience of the cancer journey.

How Can You Benefit?

Health and Wellness

The SHIP is a cost free survivorship program that provides nutrition, physical activities and support services.

Community Outreach

Builds collaborative community partnership to expand the reach of cancer control and survivorship support to underserved cancer survivors.


Conducts and support partners with research with local universities in efforts to increase quality survivorship and ultimately find a cure for breast cancer.


Provides SISTAs Talk, educational presentations to groups and organizations regarding all aspects of breast, cervical, ovarian and prostate cancer.